
更新日: 2023年01月12日

Daring to Converse in English!!


加えて、講師それぞれの持ち味がユニークで、対する講師によって多様な楽しみ方を体験できることも理由の一つ。明るくテンポ良い英会話を展開してくれるKatrinaさん。今回、彼女は学生たちに新しい英会話ゲーム”Truth or Dare”を説明しています。Truth(真実)という英単語は馴染みがあるけれどDareはどうでしょう。どんな意味かどんなふうに使うのか、辞書で調べてみてください。




Today we played a new conversation game “Truth or Dare”.
Students could choose to answer a “Truth” card, or enact a “Dare” card.
Here is a sample Truth card: Grapes
The student will now need to make a truthful sentence using the word “grapes”.
• It could be factual, “Grapes are red, green, and purple.”
• It could be personal, “I dislike grapes.”
• It could be fanciful, “One day I’d like to try stomping on grapes to make wine.”
• It could be a story, “When I was an elementary student we went on a school trip to a vineyard where we helped the farmer pick grapes.”

Do you know what a dare is?

[Noun] something you do because someone dares you to
• He asked the girl he secretly liked out for coffee because his friends dared him to.

[Verb] to ask someone to do something that involves risk
• I dare you to ask the girl you secretly like out for a cup of coffee.
Or to do something silly
I dare you to wear your pajamas to your graduation.

Here is a sample DARE card
• Answer the next question in a robot voice.
• Play the air guitar during the next student’s turn.