
更新日: 2018年12月14日

EV 6


Today we talked in depth about the importance of little words and the differences they make. 

We can understand that a few missing screws may make a door not open, and one or two missing ingredients may ruin a recipe. In the same way a few missing English words may change a sentence’s meaning. 

Here is a fun example. 

I am going out to pick up a girlfriend (girl) this weekend. 
Meaning: I am trying to find a girlfriend. 
I am going to pick up my girlfriend this weekend. 
Meaning: I have a girlfriend. I am going to go out (somewhere or someplace) with my girlfriend. 


EV 7
紛らわしい英単語、矛盾や例外が多い語彙・文法を学んでいるうちに、真面目な人は英語嫌いになってしまうかもしれませんね。本日のテーマは「ナチュラルな英語話者」になるにはどうしたらよいかでした。カトリーナ先生はアメリカ人でも間違うことがあるという単語(their と there)を楽しく覚えるヒントの絵を書いてくださいました。


A big shout out to everyone who stopped by for today’s EV.

We had a lengthy discussion on how to become a more “natural” English speaker and the many obstacles that one faces in this effort. 

We know learning English is sometimes confusing and often frustrating for many students. So today we tried out some fun methods to remember a few confusing spelling rules. 

Check it out. 




Today was an extra busy day for students at Rikadai. It was so busy no one had time to stop in for a chat. 

What to do?

We decided to change things up by “chatting” it up in the hallway. It was a lot of fun having dozens of short exchanges with everyone. It felt like university life abroad. Here are some sample conversations we exchanged. 


“Hello! How are you?”
“I’m good!” “I’m tired.” “I’m stressed.”

“How was class this morning?”
“Good!” “Difficult.”

“I haven’t seen you lately. How have you been?”
“I’ve been busy with ….”

“Do you have time to chat?”
“Sorry, I’m late for class.” “Sure, I have a few minutes.”



それから、進化し続ける英語には、Gamy Englishやネット英語もあります。顔文字もいろいろな種類があります。ゲーム英語は、マイケル先生にも意味がわからない英語があるそうです。



Things were really popping at the EV today!
So many students dropped in for a chat it was hard to keep up with all the conversations.
Here are a few highlights:


* Thanksgiving dinner. Turkey is the main feature. Have you ever had turkey?
* Plans for winter holidays and New Years. What are your plans?
* Japanese like to use foreign words in their advertisements and product placements.
  However, sometimes they don’t research the meaning of the word before they use it.
  Have you ever seen an English word used in a strange way that made you laugh?
  Do you think this is a problem that should be addressed?


A new topic that came up is the rapid evolution of the English language due to big cultural shifts due to technology and global connectivity.
You may have experienced some variations of this during online gaming, reading social media posts, or texting.
Instead of receiving a complete sentence, which was easy to understand, you might have seen a grouping of letters, emojis, or simple phrases.


Here are some examples:


Acronyms: BRB (Be Right Back)
emojis: 🤣 (Rolling on the floor laughing)
emoticans: 🙂 (smiley)

kaomoji: !(•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑ (Keep up the good work)

Why not stop by at the next English Village to learn more about it!
Heads Up!!! December 6th is our last EV for this semester. It it also our Christmas party. Don’t miss it!