英語村 第1回目(5月9日)・第2回目(5月16日)・第3回目(5月23日)

更新日: 2023年06月20日





「Starter Quiz Me!」という英語カードゲームの、指さす先に書かれている質問は何でしょう。“Who were your teenage idol?”-「10代の頃のあなたのアイドルは誰でしたか?」学生にとっては、” were” を” are” に変える必要があるかもしれませんね。皆さんのアイドルは誰ですか?質問ごとに知っている英語のフレーズを繰り出して、わいわい盛り上がって本当に楽しそうでした!!






Welcome back everyone to English Village!

We were so excited to have such a large turnout. It was great catching up with students from previous years, as well as meeting so many new students.

At this time we want to give a special welcome all of the freshmen. We understand that you are nervous about your English level, but honestly, we were super impressed at how well you spoke. We know studying English is hard work, so we want to encourage you that all of your hard work is paying off*. We hope that you will take the opportunity to practice what you have learned throughout this semester’s English Village.

See you next week!
* Pay off [phrasal verb, informal] – yield good results; succeed


Please do join us Tuesdays. Drop in any time from 10:20-13:20 (even ten minutes is OK!) – let’s have fun together! 





写真は” What did you do there?”-「UNOみたいなカードゲーム」―AGOという名前のカードゲームをしているとことです。「カードゲームをしながらクラスメートと英会話」「英語のコミュニケーション活動」―ゲームだけでなく英語のインプットやアウトプットでやり取りを楽しんだ様子です。” what did you learn there?”-「英単語を知ったーたとえば、pentagonとかrectangleとかhexagonとか」「コミュニケーション・スキル」「英語が得意でなくても英語で話して通じる」などなど。 “How did you feel about your experience?”-「英語村はとても楽しい!!」「もっとリスニングとスピーキングの力をつけたいなと思った」「英語は全然だめなはずなのに、ちゃんと交流できて最高に楽しい」” Any suggestions to improve English Village?”-「この楽しさをもっと宣伝するべきだ」「貴重な体験。またチャンスを見つけて参加する。それが大切」―さあ、ここまで感想を読んだ皆さん、食わず嫌いはもったいないと分かりましたね。コンビニに行く軽いノリで、まずは第一歩、参加してみましょう。


一方、Katrinaさんは常連の学生さんたちとホワイトボードにいろいろな英単語を書き込んで一つのテーマを深掘りしているようです。ホワイトボードに書かれている英単語を拾い上げてみると、“ASUS”, ”Rog+IKEA”, ”Gamers room”, ”ChatGPT”, ”prompt”, ”bad attitude”などなど。何の話題で盛り上がっているのか皆さん、類推してみてくださいな。



EV #2

We had a very busy day at the EV. We had several groups joining us to play AGO, as well as many individual students joining us for conversation time. 

Today we decided to reinvent the way we use conversation starter cards. I’m sure you are all familiar with ChatGPT. The method humans use to communicate with ChatGPT is called prompting. Today we set up our conversation starter cards like prompts, and waited for three students to “generate” a reply. We all had a lot of fun listening to the responses everyone generated.


Please do join us Tuesdays. Drop in any time from 10:20-13:20 (even ten minutes is OK!) – let’s have fun together! 






Q1. What is your favorite food?
MaryさんーJapanese karaage
Michael さんーPizza
KatrinaさんーSalads: Pasta salad, Fruit salad, Caesar salads, etc.

Q2. What do you like about Japan?

MaryさんーI like the Japanese people, the culture and the peaceful nature of the country
Michael さんーJapan is peaceful and safe. I have been living in Japan 23 years.
Katrinaさんー I like the culture of working hard together as a community to make the village and workplace.

Q3. What is your message to all university students?

MaryさんーI encourage you to be open to learn and expand your knowledge of English for fun and better communication.

Michael さんーLearn to enjoy speaking foreign languages and meeting new people.

Katrinaさんー”If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it.” This is the secret to learning, perfecting, and keeping a language. Use it every day! If you can’t talk with someone: Sing songs. Watch a TV show. Follow a Youtube channel. Read a book. Get creative!





EV #3

Thank you everyone who braved the cold and rainy weather to join us at English Village. 

Today we enjoyed using the conversational starter cards.

One card read, “Have you bought any music recently?”

It was an interesting question as at the time that the card was first made it was very common for people to buy CDs.
However, buying a whole album on CD later became unpopular when you could buy the song (or songs) you liked individually from online music stores such as iTunes. But over the last few years even buying music off iTunes has become less popular than listening to music on Youtube or Spotify, where you can make your own custom playlists.

What is your favorite way of listening to music? Do you still buy CD’s or songs off iTunes? Why not tell us about it at the next English Villa


Please do join us Tuesdays. Drop in any time from 10:20-13:20 (even ten minutes is OK!) – let’s have fun together!