
更新日: 2022年07月06日

早いもので第7回目の開催を迎えた英語村です。3人の講師のMichaelさんとMaryさん、Alanaさんとの楽しい活動は、ますます熱気を帯びてきました。参加者もrepeaterにnew comerに、と、いよいよ渾然一体となった雰囲気。






Welcome to Week Seven of English Village!

Today we went over different techniques to improve pronunciation and what to do when you find yourself stuck on a difficult word.

English Cheat Code: Sometimes there is an alternative word you can use. Type the difficult word into a thesaurus search engine. For example, maybe it’s hard to pronounce “marvelous”. You could change the word to “amazing” or “wonderful”.

Of course, sometimes there is no alternative word. In that case, see if there is another way to form your sentence so that you do not have to use the difficult word. For example, maybe it’s hard to pronounce “halitosis“. You could change, “The old man had halitosis.” to “The old man had bad breath.”

Please do join us Thursdays. Drop in any time from 10:20-13:20 (even ten minutes is OK!) – let’s have fun together!