
更新日: 2021年05月21日




The English Village is back in person this year! We wanted to thank all the students who joined us on the first day.
今年、対面での英語村が復活しました! 初日に参加してくれた学生の皆さんに感謝したいと思います。

Today we’d like to explain how the English Village is organized this year. This year’s English Instructors are Alana, Michael, and Katrina. We have three table settings for the three English Instructors. Currently, there is room for three students per teacher. When you come to the English Village, please find an available space. Before sitting down, please participate in our coronavirus safety measures. Next to the English Instructor you will find 1) Disinfectant for your hands 2) Sign In/Sign Out sheet 3) Name Tags 4) Face Shield. Also on the table, you will find disinfect wipes. Please help us keep the area clean by wiping the area where you sat with the disinfectant wipe when you leave.
今年の英語村について説明したいと思います。今年の英語講師は、アラーナ、マイケル、カトリーナの3人です。3人の英語講師のために3つのテーブルを用意しました。現在、先生1人に対して学生3人のスペースがあります。English Villageに来たら、まず空いているスペースを探して下さい。座る前に、新型コロナウィルスの安全対策にご協力下さい。イングリッシュ・インストラクターの横には、1) 「手指の消毒液」 2) Sign In/Sign Out sheet 「入退室・記入シート」3) Name Tags 「名札シール」4) Face Shield 「フェイスシールド」があります。また、テーブルの上には、消毒用のワイプ(除菌ウェットティッシュ)があります。帰る際、次に来る人のために、自分が座った場所を消毒液で拭いてから退席して下さいね。

Next, we’d like to explain the three basic English Village activities.

Conversation Starter: Are you a little nervous about speaking in English? Conversation Starter activity is a great place to start. We use card games with easy English questions. These card games are a fun way to relax, and start building conversation skills.

Open Talk: Are you ready to step out on your own and put your English skills to the test? In the Open Talk activity, the instructor and student both take turns asking and answering each other questions.

Quiz and Games: If you’re looking to build your vocabulary this is the activity for you. We have a variety of fun and challenging games to choose from.


We look forward to seeing you next week.