
更新日: 2018年07月27日

夏休みが just around the cornerです。7月前半で「春夏・英語村」はclosedします。この夏休みに実現したい「あなたのチャレンジ」は何でしょう? 


後期の「秋冬・英語村」は10月からopenです。ハロウィーンやXmasなどの楽しいイベントが盛りだくさんですね! あなたの夏のチャレンジを話に来てください。カトリーナ先生からのメッセージです。


 This last EV we were able to meet many new students. Thank you for joining us and telling us a little about yourselves. We hope you’ll come again!

 With summer just around the corner we can’t help by imagine that everyone must thinking about what they’re going to do for summer break. If you have a chance please drop by to tell us about your summer plans at the next EV.?”

 The last week we took a walk down memory lane. It was fun to hear about childhood memories and first-time experiences. Here are a few for you to think about. If you’d like, please stop by the EV next week and tell us your  answers.

Do you remember the first time that you spoke English outside of a classroom?
Who did you talk to? What was the conversation about?
Do you have a childhood passion that you are still passionate about?
Have you realized any of your childhood dreams yet?
What are your best and worst childhood memories? 
Can you explain them in English? 
Would you be comfortable talking about it with your newfound foreign friend?