
更新日: 2017年09月28日

後期の英語村は、12月1日まで毎週木・金曜日の10:00-13:00、621教室(6号館)と4号館の間にあるオープンスペースで開催します。お昼しか来られない学生はランチ食べながらでも OK です。

1st Thursday English Village: September 21, 2017

夏休みはどうでしたか?英語を使うチャンスありましたか?英語が「さびて」来た方々もぜひEnglish Village へ!新しいメンバーの優しいAlanaさんが加わりました!素敵なお母さんの Katrina さんが復帰です!皆さんと同世代の Georgia さんも一緒にチャットするのを楽しみにしています!

Katrina さんからの message:

Welcome back to English Village! A big shout-out* to everyone who came. We enjoyed talking with you, and hearing about your summer adventures. We also enjoyed playing some new conversational games with everyone.
This semester we have a new recruit, Alana. We hope you’ll have an opportunity to talk with her during this semester’s English Village.
*shout-out = 〈俗〉挨拶、感謝



1st Friday English Village: September 22, 2017


Malaurie was very impressed by the motivation of the students who came to chat!

Here’s her message:

My motto for this semester would be: “In English Village, let’s talk in English,
about English and sometimes play in English! “

We look forward to seeing you on Thursdays or Fridays!

Mary Aruga, Mayor of English Village