
更新日: 2022年11月10日

火曜日だよ! 全員集合!

待望の後期英語村イベントが始まりました! 前期に、毎回参加して英語のやり取りやゲームを楽しんでいた学生さんたち、お待ちどおさま。曜日が木曜日から火曜日に変更になったので要注意です。授業のスケジュールの関係で木曜日は参加できなかった学生さんの新しい参加を心から楽しみにしています。







Welcome back to another semester of English Village.

After many years of hosting English Village on Thursday we have changed the day.

This semester English Village will now be held on Tuesday from 10:20 – 13:20

What’s new at English Village?

Teachers: We are happy to have Katrina rejoin the team of EV teachers this semester.

Conversational/vocabulary games: There will be two holiday themed events, Halloween (October 25th), and Christmas (December 20th). Don’t miss out on the fun!

Open Conversation: Have you a heard a word or phrase that you don’t understand, or know how to use properly? Please bring your question to English Village. Let’s build our vocabulary and conversation skills!

Please do join us Tuesdays. Drop in any time from 10:20-13:20 (even ten minutes is OK!) – let’s have fun together!